Saturday, December 31, 2011

Forensic Theology - Ideological Threat Assessments

!±8± Forensic Theology - Ideological Threat Assessments

What is "forensic theology"? Another way to analyze modus operandi in criminal cases? For instance, suspicion could fall on a seemingly dangerous cult, gang, terrorist group or other organized criminal enterprise? Or, an evolving tactic to analyze anti-social extreme belief systems? Such as hate groups. Still though, "forensic theology" might be a potential investigative strategy to scrutinize probable criminality among fanatical ideologies? Well then, let's break down the components. Because there might be another option to constructing threat analyses on the basis of extremist behaviors. An allegation of the application of "forensic theology" has been suggested in relation to terroristic activities. But, why stop there? Particularly as applied to radical domestic and foreign belief systems. Or, terrorism perpetrated from a fundamentalist doctrine.

Yet, the word "forensic" holds many connotations. For which there are several interpretations and viewpoints. Often misunderstood and confused with movie and television stereotypes. For some students in undergraduate criminal justice courses, the mere mention of the word invites salacious overtones. Kind of like an allusion to the inaccurate non-scientific application of something called "criminal profiling" or some kind of "scale of evil". Again, the titillation amplifies with mystification.

Suddenly, with sufficient media hype, as well as heavy concentration of sensationalism, everyone wants to "do" forensics. Become a crime scene investigator, work in "CSI", or become a "profiler". Exciting, sexy and enticing prospects for creative imaginations. Aside from any rational association with real world applications. Sort of in the same realm with fortune tellers, mentalists and psychic detectives. No long term real-word practical law enforcement expertise is ever required. Just capitalizing on exaggerated claims masquerading as authenticity. Believability relies on gullibility. What some investigators refer to as the "psychology of self-deception".

Never the less, the term "forensic" has been applied to many philosophical disciplines. Not to mention, of course, an array of various schools of thought within certain fields of study. In modern America, for example, we have things such as "forensic debate", "forensic science", "forensic autopsy", as well as "forensic anthropology".

The list of things "forensic", or for that matter "forensic science", could get lengthy. Plus, we can't forget about the pseudo-scientific notions of "forensic psychology". And, as mentioned earlier, even "forensic profiling". So, "forensic theology"? Why not add this to the mix of controversial criminological fascinations? Oh what the heck? The mere mention conjures an array of adventurous possibilities. However, individual fantasies aside, what exactly could this phrase mean? In one instance, the term surfaces in an investigative report discussing Middle Eastern terrorism. And, in particular, the connection between ideology and extreme forms of rebellious behaviors. As in terrorist activities connected to religious fundamentalism of an ultra disruptive nature.

An issue, for some of us criminologists, is to refine the definition. And, at some point, make practical the application of such thinking processes. Terminologies can get us all confused and misdirected if we're not careful. We can invent all manner of urban legend. And, then call it fact, which in reality might simply be fabrication. But, in the effort to identify and understand terrorist intentions. Reading signs, symbols and significance in aggressive propaganda might bear clues to eventual intentions. Not to forget of course, the symbolism that serves as precursor to probable criminal behaviors. By analysis of writings, transactional documents, witness statements, intelligence gathering, surveillance and so forth. Possibly, intent could be anticipated. And, thereby, purposes might suggest hostile actions against communal safety and security.

Important here, to point out at this juncture. Contrary to "reading signatures" at crime scenes, of so called "organized" or "disorganized" unknown murderers, termed "serial killers". Where the person or persons remain anonymous archetypes of some typecast generic template. Instead, with regard to "forensic theology", we're talking about known quantities of potential criminalities. As in terrorist groupings, gangs, dangerous cultic activities, hate mongering organizations of various ideological spectra. Of which, we can observe past, present and perhaps future probabilities in non pro-social endeavors. For them, observation notes attendant associational activities, graffiti, online blogs, web sites, assorted propaganda, and all kinds of symbolism. To this, investigators might link the authentication of emailing, chat rooms interactivities, and group linkages.

In other words, with a workable conception of "forensic theology", we're dealing with the potentiality of known evidentiary characteristics, circumstantial inferences and informational data bases from definable sources. For definitional applicability, we could say then, that "forensic" means the wide-ranging spectrum of legal issues affecting the criminal justice system. Encompassing investigative, prosecutorial and evidentiary parameters. Within which, we need to consider multi-level interfaces, from federal, state and local law enforcement operations. With that, every effort should be made to ensure methodical verifiable analysis of targeted objectives. Added to the application of "forensic" operability, we could associate a concept of "theology" or "thinking".

Again, in regard to those things "theological", the term could be broadly interpreted. Bringing together critical thinking efforts to address anticipation of violent behaviors backed by dogmatic philosophies. This would cover the careful study of belief systems that formulate extremism outside conventional social interactions. More generally, this is suggested to be the analysis of religious, spiritual and ideological thinking processes. With a focus on those individuals, collusive entities and groups that could be potentially anti-social in a destructive sense. Such as with gangs, terrorist cells, organized crime and others. The investigative process would be shaped by an external assessment of probable criminality. So, together, we have a thumbnail depiction for a concept of "forensic theology". This focuses mostly on group threats to social stability.

In assessing criminal motivations, the classical perspective offers the rationality of choice. Criminals, not unlike the rest of us, freely choose their planned, calculated and selected targets for opportunistic self-gratification. As with humanity in general, selfishness is at the core of motivational purposes. For terrorists, as an example, aggression, violence and intimidation serve the basis to achieve individual or group advantage over others. While they tend to operate on a larger scale, with a political cover story. Similar to transnational organized criminal elements. Terrorists, like street criminals or corporate criminals, commit typical crimes of murder, rape, robbery, theft and so, for the sake of personal enrichment. They may plead or advocate a publicly seductive cause, such as the environment, animal research and oppression. None the less, their ideological dogma remains an illusion for their real intentions.

Behind the psychic scenes, that is, in the cerebral conduits of human thinking processes. Not "psychic" in the sense of the paranormal, as in ghosts, goblins and other ghoulish sleight of hand trickeries. Religiosity, philosophical belief systems and lifestyle choices manifest a multiplicity of motivations toward criminality. We're all looking for opportunities to advance our covert agendas. Criminal inclinations are part of human nature. Indwelling as it were, inside the essence of human potential. Not on the outside, but internal to each of us. Our complexity of personal being, neural networking and spatial presence. Everyone possesses the elemental desires to satiate prurient passions. Libidinous reasons in the private ability to carry thoughts into reality.

Criminality's a rational component for the cause and effect in premeditated intent to knowingly breach communal constraints. Freely chosen through willful decision-making, people create their own adversity, victories and calamities. In particular, we're seduced willingly by our darker side. Drawn to offense-specific endeavors given the level of our offender-specific skills and abilities. We enhance our self-indulgent competitive edge in the individual quest to achieve personal advantages. Neural complexity remains dynamic in the selection of modes for maladaptive behaviors. Yet, once caught in the act, excuses abound at every twist of the criminal event. Cover stories sell front page headlines in well-calculated cover-ups. None the less, criminal activity is the result of rational choice, hedonistic intentions, and personal gain through thoughtful planning.

Criminality finds much kinship. Crosses every socio-economic strata, as well as geo-political nation-state boundaries regarding a diversity of doctrines, creeds and tenets. Thus, with the intentions of extremism, cloaked in dogmatic facades and deceptive doctrinal traditions, social disruption is exceptionally probable. Such terrorism spans the societal spectrum. From cultic religious enclaves, to ethnic "gangsterism" and racial supremacists. Not to forget, of course, many other forms of domestic and foreign terrorist groupings. Diabolical, oppressive and tyrannical purposes hide behind a front of mass media illusions. We can witness a diverse exhibition of such humanistic activities on a daily basis. Across the globe, from sea to shining sea, groups of one persuasion after another foment the cover story for varied anti-social endeavors.

Possibly, a process of so called "forensic theology", taken in a broader sense, could utilize known data elements to postulate motives, objectives and purposes of a variety of dissident groups. Perchance, through investigative processes, by way of logic, reason and deduction, we may be able to discern an estimate of hostile capabilities. That is, by scrutinizing the verbiage, propaganda and symbolism of collective antisocial forces. Naturally, such a critical thinking technique, for a viable threat assessment tool, would necessitate a practitioner's realistic knowledge base. And, to this, we should add his or her pragmatic field experience in the real world. An experiential foundation that reflects a well-trained skillful and tactical approach to criminality.

That is to say, applications for an evolving nature of "forensic theology" should focus less on theory and more on reality. Given the facts of the case, hard evidence remains essential. Investigatively, there would be decreased emphasis on the speculations of theoreticians. As in the towered confines of academia. And, more relevance on the convincing credibility of the realist. Genuine accuracy transforms intuitive processes from the constant engagement with real world scenarios. Understanding criminalistic intentions (forensic) requires analysis of ideological assertions (theology). As such, this invites a critical examination of symbols, messages, images, verbiage, and propaganda of all kinds. As well as cultic signposts, gang graffiti, inmate tattoos, and so forth.

All of these human aspects reflect mental proclivities transforming psychic processes into potential action. In trying to anticipate the criminality of various associational linkages, we often get fixated on the things that influence our subjective bias. Cults typically conjure an array of salacious images. Mention for instance, "satanic cults", or communal "religious sects", and all kinds of prurient passions get aroused. Yet, we get distracted, overlook and forget abut the many other types of human collusions. These include cultic extremists, gangs, racist enclaves, terrorist groups and other formations of organized criminal enterprises. Every faction has an ideology. Within this foundational basis of collectivity, people manifest their belief systems. Adherence can be extremely dedicated and strongly entrenched. Even in spite of evidentiary contradictions. Many cling to their reliability on subjective validation of ancient tenuous doctrines.

Terrorism comes in many forms of criminality that transcends global boundaries. Likewise, these and other threat groups pose a danger not only to local communities, but also to national security as well. Thus, early warning through proactive intelligence gathering remains critical. In so doing, practitioners therefore become tasked with constructing logical and well-reasoned threat assessments. These could be based on the implications of "forensic theological" appraisals. As an investigator, one must bear in mind that nothing is ever foolproof. So, care and caution are extremely serious factors to keep in mind. Evidentiary factors are vital to provability. Plus, we have to understand that there are many variations of criminal group collusions. The ideological spectrum has many representative factions, in diverse places all over the planet.

Regardless of doctrine or dogma, group criminality expresses the collective inclinations of the human membership. Dangerous cult associations, street gangs, terrorist cells and other organized criminal enterprises are precisely that. They are criminal organizations assembled for the purpose of committing criminal actions. Commonality of purpose expresses the basic seductive driving forces in our human nature. One good and the other evil. Objectives include exclusivity of membership and perpetuation of "elitism" among adherents. Doctrine forms the basis of a pretext in the deception of disguised orthodoxy. In other words, symbols, images, signs, etc, are used as cover stories, legends, and mythology to cloak their real intentions.

Criminal entities seek to maintain their anti-social viability through whatever criminal means possible. They may or may not express a so called "political agenda", "religious affiliation" or "social righteousness". For that matter, they might subscribe to discernable political or religious goals. But, then again, some do others don't. Never the less, their intended purposes are to be monopolistic, employ aggressive violent means, and ensure profit continuity at all costs. To this end, groups collude with other groups when it is to their mutual interests. In the process, they promote conspiratorial activities in the coordination of varied illicit activities. Gain is in the primacy of their motivating factors. From within their structural framework, they utilize predatory tactics to intimidate, instill fear and corrupt others in order to achieve their objectives.

To facilitate discovery of malice aforethought in premeditated intentions, as opposed to the usual rubric of "motive, means and opportunity". As these are often illusionary at best and deceptive at worst case scenario. The investigation might want to gather all manner of suspicious documentation, evidentiary artifacts, and known associated evidence. Subject everything to insightful critical analytic processes. To this endeavor, we must ensure qualified forensic analysis. That means too, we have to apply logic within a rational framework. In the process of scrutiny, you should conduct a thorough validation for subject authentication. Also included could be reviewing the abundance of hate oriented information sources, published group rhetoric, demonstrated history of public displays, internet blogging, news stories, background histories and assorted media expressions. In addition, assessment entails targeting potential criminals, selecting targets for surveillance, covert analysis and extensive intelligence gathering.

Ideological scrutiny directs a microscopic focal point on the attendant militancy within selected group affiliations. It is not limited to seemingly overt hostile elements alone. Within a particular subculture, the inspection also addresses the less conspicuous probabilities. Any group, social, economic, political, etc, could summon the convergence of attention due to its illicit preoccupations. Because groups, including the broad spectrum of social interaction, are naturally collusive collectives, with associations of diverse people. Likewise, they can execute corporate intrigue, commercial espionage, con games, frauds of every type, commit major crimes and engineer economic turmoil. Commercial aggrandizement for business executives can also be extremely conspiratorial. Whereby, money laundering and promotion of regional conflicts, insurrections and aiding enemy operatives, ensure profit continuity.

Deciphering the clues requires creative decisiveness, critical thinking, logical analysis and efficient examination of the evidence at hand. Conjecture, speculation and wishful thinking are constrained to the movie world of fiction and entertainment. Plots, schemes and conspiracies come in many organized forms. They reflect human ritual within the nature of criminality. Anyone can justify anything, including multiple murders, genocide, ethnic cleansing or a holy warfare. Terrorism just adds the press coverage with a political flare. Veiled by some ideological press release, so that perpetrators can cover their tracks about the real intentions in their criminality.

Take for instance, the gangster dubbed "Islamic Terror Suspect". From a street gang in an urban core, a clever criminal wears the cloak of the dedicated religious fundamentalist, or ideologue playing "Robin Hood". Whatever, nothing new here. Mobsters have done that decades. So, the criminal hood travels to a foreign land. Joins other criminals. Studies military tactics and techniques. Learns how to make bombs. Applies oneself to the purposes of skillful social destruction. By converting to the chosen belief system, another inventive form of story telling. The gangster becomes able to advance the skill levels necessary to commit more crimes. But, deterministic social engineering would have us believe otherwise. Many, desiring to be gullible for their needs. Buy into his lack of social opportunity, immigration policies, ineffective public schools, bad parenting, absentee father, neglectful mother, peer pressure and unemployment.

Excuses never end and intentions are always ready, willing an able to inflict cross-cultural damage to satiate personal desires. Nevertheless, we like to fool ourselves. Pretend how civil we are. Alleged our civilized progress. Make things simplistic, trouble-free and easier for us to look in the mirror. Maybe that's the reason people choose to so easily believe in strange, weird and nebulous notions. Even among seemingly well-educated persons, like college professors. Academia can be an intellectual war zone of psycho-babble masquerading as alleged truths. We laboriously seek to makeover inner psychic struggles for an effective confrontation with life and death realties. From which, we quickly, outside the security of our communal group, find fault with those external to us. Justifications for the ruse of ideological hatreds surface without hesitance. So that we can take advantage, manipulate, and control the others.

From salacious inclinations, we pursue the amative means to unleash our competitive edge. Conflict gives us a chance to project ritualized selfishness into social survival engagement. After all, good and evil are the essence of human nature. This duality is fundamental to our very makeup. We're capable of any heinous act in the name of some doctrinal rationalization. And, from there, we possess the ability to kill to ensure the precepts for our continued communal competition. Cognitive bias roams the byways of credibility in the hunt for subjective validation. All too often facts are avoided to the allure of unfussy foggy murmurs of inferential fallacies for hasty generalizations.

Application of a working hypothesis, for a applied theory of forensic theological analysis, requires the never ending quest for factual materiality. To that, add competence, experiential essentialities and relevancy. Sound logic demands a special temperament in developing a rational coherent investigative process. Generally, this might be calculated as a standard operating inquiry using the traditional concept of what some of us call the "W.H.O.A.". As such, you could pronounce it "Whoa!" with emphasis to show focused commitment to the mission at hand. Or, add a slight military flare of, "Who-Ah!". Regardless, the consideration is for answering basic queries. Such as, "Who, What, Where, When, Why and How, Observations and Actions". For a basis in the use of forensic theology, we want to apply critical thinking skills.

This is the foundation for "pro-thinking" instead of "anti-thinking". Rational, reasonable and consistent in purposeful authenticity. The search, as a skeptical enquirer, mandates a personal policy in the rational hunt for credible evidence. Rather than chase speculative assertions based on inferential fallacies. As in trying to profile everything, anything and all things. Attempts at "profiling", naming multiple occurrences as "serial" this and "serial", and developing "scales of evil". All these run risk of expressing personalized egocentric self-interests that prove nothing substantial. These spurious assertions come close to the edge; sometimes cross over, into racist, prejudicial and ethnocentric thinking practices. An example, might be trying to define who is "Hispanic", "Arabic", Asian and so forth. There are too many exceptions, diversities and variations in terms of global ethnicities. Instead, we must focus on relevant evidentiary issues.

To comprehend the nature of criminality is to investigate every possible aspect of the human inclination toward anti-social behaviors. It is, in every sense, a keen ability to suspect everyone, trust no one and ensure a Holmesian eye for detail. Ensure a healthy sensory awareness for an edgy cynicism concerning the "altruism" of human beings. For which, we need to be cautious as to bogus claims as to "why" certain things happened. Particularly, if we seek to evaluate ideological expressions steeped in religiosity. Plus, we need to go to great lengths to analyze every probable suspicion. A healthy grip on practical skepticism is essential to combat unquestioned acceptance of faulty information and dubious conjecture. All too often, inquiries seek supportive collaboration for initial hypotheses. That is, the theory finds friendly "evidence" to make it right.

Facts fuel the fruition of formative evidentiary characteristics for credible forensic analyses. Investigatively, we remain skeptical as to all claims contrary to actual proof. Instead, we want to examine the evidence at hand and prove the reality of evidentiary artifacts. All too often, one hears a premise or theoretical construct argued from the standpoint of selective validation. As though such an assertion were actually true without a shadow of a doubt. Preconceived notions, based on contemporary commonality of practice, absent critical verification, may lead to erroneous conclusions. In terms of the several criminal justice systems, and associated investigative processes, that could be very dangerous. Very often, we want to find what we think we are looking for. So, we gather whatever we discover to make sure we prove ourselves correct.

Many are quick to pre-judge the outcomes of initial speculations. Your proposition hunts down and locates by personal selectivity the necessary "evidence". For that effort, the scheme of an issue finds subjective reinforcement to back up the original insinuation. For the sake of a concept of "forensic theology" we must ensure realistic applications are sufficiently reliable and adhere to judicious assessments. Investigative processes must avoid the pitfalls based on fallacies of inference. In like manner, personal opinions have to be tempered by careful evaluation from a forensic standpoint. Too frequently, cleverly presented personal stories, opinions and viewpoints, remain in the speculative realm of hearsay. And, to this prospect, they offer little credible substantiation and eventually devolve into intellectual heresy. So, long term, not much is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Or, for that matter, is it reinforced by the conviction of reliable evidentiary provability. The idea of "forensic theology" is about the intricate examination of belief systems, motives and intentions. Or, overall, the very intricate nature of humanistic thinking processes, along with the probability of threat potential. In this regard, the tool of critical thinking skills are essential along with a healthy inclusion of common sense. Better yet, a proclivity for profound uncommon sense.

References Consulted:
1 Carroll, Robert T., articles relative to "Psychic Detective", and "Criminal profiling...";
2 Grey, Stephen, an article regarding "Follow the Mullahs";
3 Samenow, S. E., from the book - Inside the Criminal Mind;
4 Siegel, L.J., Criminology - The Core - Third Edition;
5 Alexander, J.B., Groller, R., Morris, J., The Warrior's Edge; And others in the original research;

by Randy Gonzalez

Forensic Theology - Ideological Threat Assessments

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Paranormal Terminology - What Are Shadow People?

!±8± Paranormal Terminology - What Are Shadow People?

Shadow People Explained

In ancient lore, shadow people are considered to be demons summoned through black magic or similar ritual to wreak havoc on an intended victim. More modern and scientific approaches have attempted to isolate this phenomenon as nothing more than the product of optical illusions.

In addition, yet another explanation attributed to this process is the prospect of hypnagogia. Hypnagogia is a state of mind usually accompanying the process of first awakening. During this period it's not unusual for an individual to experience something called a waking dream wherein the imagery can take on a sensation of being all too real. [1. Jenkins, G (2005). Florida's Ghostly Legends and Haunted Folklore. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press. ISBN 9781561643271. Retrieved 2010-03-31]

In any event, wherein the individual does experience this paranormal event, it should be treated as a very genuine encounter for that individual and as such ought to be respected as an actual haunting or visitation by a spiritual entity. In-other-words don't be so quick to dismiss the experience that it leaves the individual with more questions than answers or more fear than certainty.

As a rule, shadow people are there to cause havoc, not necessarily physical harm. If physical harm does occur it's usually the result of the individual's reaction more so than any direct action of the shadow entity. Their presence is much like a parasite feeding off the negative energy of its host. The closer this entity can get to their host the greater the chaos it can create and feed off of.

What to Expect of Shadow People

To come in contact with a shadow person can be very frightening to the unaware. At first you may get glimpses of them through your peripheral vision as dark silhouettes cast against a light background or you might even see them fleetingly at night, usually as dense black spaces in the dark accompanied by an equally impenetrable feeling of apprehension.

Shadow people may try to make direct contact through a dream or astral projection at some point in order to grant permission for their entry and/or attachment. If you see them in a dream they will generally appear as a dark gray mass of energy with generic human features, i.e. arms, legs, body, head, face, smile, etc. In the case where they do present themselves in this manner, remain calm and demand that they leave your presence immediately without question.

If remaining calm isn't in your vocabulary at that moment; remember, you're a sovereign entity capable of accepting or rejecting anything that comes into your life. Shadow people cannot attach to individuals without their express consent, but it should also be mentioned that they are extremely tricky when it comes to obtaining that consent; so, be aware and beware.

Although shadow people cannot attach without permission this shouldn't be seen to imply that they cannot cause havoc in your immediate environment, they can and will. The silver lining to all this doom and gloom scenario is that that shadow people will not stick around long if they can't generate enough negative energy to sustain their presence and it does take a lot of energy.

Are There Any Dangers?

The dangers associated with shadow people are very clear and at no time should you ever try to entertain their presence or give them permission to enter your life. The primary aim of a shadow person is to create havoc by whatever means possible and to that effect they can behave much like poltergeists.

Just as poltergeists, shadow people are able to manipulate and create physical manifestations through the use of sound and the movement of physical objects. Shadow people are especially keen to influence electronics in such a way as to cause flickering lights, TV interference, and any other number of electronic anomalies. Their primary goal is to inflict as much stress and fear as possible without causing direct harm.

If direct harm is related to a shadow manifestation chances are this is a malevolent poltergeist or spiritual manifestation and as such, the individual should seek immediate help from a trained professional experienced in the matter of paranormal haunting. Never attempt to handle a haunting of this nature on your own or without the aid of an experienced psychic; the results can be potentially devastating.


1. Shadow people appear as their name indicates, as a dark gray mass of energy with generic human features. They are largely benign in causing physical harm but can wreck havoc on the immediate environment.

2. Differentiating between the natural and the supernatural source of a shadow people experience is not a hard fast rule of science. Treat each reported occurrence as legitimate with careful investigation until proven otherwise.

3. If confronted by a shadow person, never give them permission to enter your life; the results can be very distressing to say the least. Always seek the assistance of a trained paranormal investigator if havoc becomes unmanageable or continues to persist over a long period of time.

Paranormal Terminology - What Are Shadow People?

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crypto-Criminology - The Gothic Nature of Crime

!±8± Crypto-Criminology - The Gothic Nature of Crime

Crypto-criminology refers to the dark, devious and dangerous side of human nature. That strain of humanistic proclivity that crosses the boundaries of civility into brutality. This is a realm of "practical criminology", applicability to the real world, where human behavior defies profiling, prediction and precise definition. Such an investigation descends to the depths of human depravity, to damp gloomy dungeons of mental mayhem. For which, modern science has no useful, effective and efficient means to explain all the possibilities. Of course, myth, magic and metaphor are allusions constantly present within this region of discussion. In one sense, it's the exploration of human evil and all its inherent manifestations. And, in another sense, crypto-criminology seeks to delve into the mystery of why people commit crimes. This is an assessment of criminal behavior to walk the eerie landscape of human deviance that foments criminality. The search for modern explanations includes consideration of the influence of "gothic metaphors" in literature, movies and other mass media. As such, "crypto" refers to the hidden, the secret and the unrevealed. Like the word "gothic", reference is made to the primitive and primeval notions of human nature. A world of howling psychic werewolves, dreams of death and demonic influence. That subterranean mindset of monstrous meanings, vampiric violence and cunning cruelty.

In similarly related aspects of study, there is the term cryptozoology. This often refers to the investigation of unknown or missing "animal" life forms. From this point, we could extrapolate that "crypto" suggests the hidden, secret and mysterious nature of living things. By connection, there are also the elements of knowing, studying and understanding unexplained phenomena. Such a notion aptly concerns the field of criminology. To this day, we have a multitude of so called schools of thoughts. All of which fall short of satisfactory explanations. The result has been a misguidance of social policy, public confusion and failed application within the criminal justice system. Fact merges with fiction, and contemporary society flounders in the flawed chase of illusion and fabrication.

As truth becomes entangled with untruth, metaphors assert their presence to stumble at clear-cut rationalizations. The more we label, define and profile people the more we find the difficulty in understanding the commissions of crime. So, the pursuit of the inexplicable nature of humans follows the mystifying pathways of baffling occurrences, bizarre incidents and sordid acts of debauchery. "Crypto" pursues the macabre mind, especially in terms of primal existence, event selectivity and criminal causality. People make premeditated choices to commit crimes. Even the most atrocious acts of violence are planned and carried out with a uniqueness of logic and rationality. Yet, we stand in awe, shock and horror when such things occur. Maybe its because we see a sense of ourselves in the violence, aggression and destruction. In this sense, crypto-criminology is presented as a mental mechanism by which to pursue a course of study in deviant behavior. And, as a consequence, that behavior that causes injury, trauma and death. By inquiry into the strange, perplexing and complex nature of criminology, we find the seductive connectivity to gothic notions of fable, legend and allegory. Suffice it to say, the secretive, dark and shadowy mental process of human behavior remain elusive to various fields of the "pseudo sciences".

In particular, the nature of evil eludes the precision of definitive understanding or specificity of prediction. It remains dark and buried in the fantasy of myth, magic and daydreams. So, in the realm of practical criminological issues, we look for alternatives on multi-dimensional levels. Avenues of the chase bring the forefront premeditated capers on fringes of the exotic, the supernatural and the gothic. Or, preferably the ever-expanding realm of "crypto-criminology". These cerebral processes engage in the eternal warfare of balancing the struggle between good and evil. Myth, magic and metaphor surface in watery illusions of psychic aberrations. As we think, so do we act. To know, be and do is human nature. When we fantasize, we also want to touch, feel and sense the manifestations of our creativity. Take it from one dimension to another. Lift it out of the psyche into the real world.

Looking in the mirror, ours is a reflection of what the face of evil looks like. Criminals are us and we are them. The only difference, some control their behaviors, while others choose not to. We're the lone gunman on the grassy knoll. And, we're also werewolf hunter with the silver bullets, stealthily stalking in our own delusions. For us, ghouls, specters and phantoms huddle in the hidden caverns of the brain's special mirror, the mind. Figments of imagination find eventual fruition in urges, desires and motives. Gloomy thoughts hunger after the lust of life and the opposition of death. The study of crime, criminals and criminalistics, should never cease searching the limitless spires of human thinking. Crypto-criminology asserts a developing foundation of inquiry into the deep murky projections of mental reflections. And, in this eternal quest, our sleight of hand tactics become one of answering which is the final question. Is it a who done it? Or, is it a why done it? If the latter, then why?

For a basic investigative query, we flip the pages of the basic continuum in the who, what, why, where, when and how? Open minded, interdisciplinary and logical, we should consider the mischief afoot by following rigorous investigative efforts, insights and intuition. This enigmatic inquiry presses toward the cagey weirdness of human beings. If, as some suggest, we're "mind hunters". And, the mind is an illusion the brain conjures. Then, aren't we really hunting something that doesn't exist? An apparition from the abyss of human ideation, deep in the caverns of the cerebral processes? From religion to science, and everything in between, we baffle ourselves. Questions remain unanswered in the quest of greater understanding of human personalities, motives and proclivities. By dreams and fantasies we create our inner world, which transforms at a constant rate. Figuring out deviant behavior becomes one of speculation and educated guess work. Most of which, we can't begin to comprehend. The vast reaches of the mystery confound the scientist, the priest, the press and politicians. When relegated to the philosophical regions of metaphysics, such as religion, the universe of ideology is wide open to speculation. The dreamscape of the dominion of human darkness invites the images of vampires, werewolves and demons. Supernatural entities exude a kind of special attachment in our furtive trickery cryptic mental wanderings. The human puzzle has a multitude of pieces. Putting them all together occupies a timelessness that never ceases. In an evil world, anything is possible. Even the surprising strain of goodness.

Overall though, we struggle in criminology to establish accurate measures of human behavior. Confused by one theoretical constructs after another, we reach for myth, magic and metaphor to express our frustrations in finding the ultimate answer. And still, we have to accept that human evil stems from human thinking. A medieval realm cloaks the desires, motive and intentions of the things we do. At the same time, various "schools of thought" contend with controversial notions pertaining to core essence of human beings. Such is the sensual realm of good and evil, vice and morality, normal and abnormal, natural and deviant. Wickedness, malevolence and immorality touch every level of society. Human hypocrisy colludes to cover and conceal exposing truths. Contemporary explanations of criminal behavior have failed, yet some cling to simplistic notions and deceptively easy solutions. Fad, fashion and quick fix foster the inadequacy of effective explanations. From biological theories to sociological configurations, the search for precise determinants of our criminal nature cannot deduce a specificity of factors. Instead, what we have is a multiplicity of academic theories subject to wide speculation. We're left with stumbling in pursuing the darkness of human inclinations. Thus, we put on our black capes, grab crucifixes and holy water. Pick up wooden stakes and load silver bullets to become "mind hunters" to "hunt monsters". To which, we discover the complications of the human safari. Hiding in the psychic landscape is the brain's creativity, which is an illusion for mysterious cryptic cerebral processes.

Within the complexity of human behavior, resides the potential for criminality in all of us. Influential in this process of individual ideation, is the role of religious beliefs and associated philosophical ideologies. All over the world, people of different faiths, practices and rituals project personifications of evil, devils and demons. It is reflective in the expressions of our assorted world-view. We relish in seeing badness on the outside and never on the inside. Our mental housing keeping is very private. Thus, seeing God and Satan in mortal combat mirrors the Jekyll-Hyde constructs of our own personalities. To this end, wicked forces are seen to walk the earth, tempting men and women to do deviant things. Variations of "evil figures and forces" reflect cultural assertions about human nature in a planetary scheme. So, the ideas of dark images, primitive urges and gloomy scenery persist in our thinking about crime causation.

This duality of thought, good versus evil, portrays the ongoing allegory of our cosmic struggle. Such notions influence our reference points about the nature of crime. The who done it is always a why done it. Motive marks the myths of our thoughts. Often in the assorted media, we allude to the temptations of dark side of human behavior. In doing so, our fairy tales mingle with reality and merge fact with fiction. In chasing urban legends, we conjure up "vampires or werewolves" to explain deviance and criminality in others. Folk tales, fables and related stories evoke images of imaginary manifestations. The dungeons of our mind mirror the psychic proclivities of our personal seductions. We allow ourselves to be pulled toward the covetousness of our gain. From the yarns we spin, the chronicles of our thoughts hold the secrets relative to our motives and intents.

Crypto-Criminology takes us into these mental archives where we've filed our allegorical enchantments. The cryptic logic, by which we rationalize, excuse and mitigate atrocities, resides in this subconscious surreal realm of belief. Such prurient carnality lives in the vast legerdemain of our psychic. We don't want to think about the nature of our own inherent inclinations. Our penchant toward shadowy selfishness, conceited and deviant activities, is worrisome and makes us anxious. But, we are the demons and they are us. Our self-interests come before those of others when ever possible. We'll go to any lengths to get what we want, when we want. To fulfill the fantasies of our ideation, people are capable of any act of debauchery, defiance and deception. Nefarious deeds know no boundaries in the darkened tunnels of the human mindset. Given the pervasive extent of contemporary media forms, criminological fact has folded behind the curtains of fictional depiction. The visualization of a conception of evil has become a contemporary preoccupation in both story telling and real-life. Its linkage finds the pathway to the unconscious regions of mental processes. Mystifying conduits between fantasy and reality surround the senses. Our thinking provokes intrusion into consciousness. Once there, we find ways and means to project the expressions of the psycho-drama taking place within. The darkness of human spirit ignites the flames of a personalized "holy war" in the struggle of individual good and evil. In the shaded gloominess of the dark encounters, ours is the face of enemy which we created in our own image. Accordingly, the search continues for a comprehensive revelation concerning this perplexing species called humankind.


"Crime and the Gothic: Sexualizing Serial Killers", by Caroline Picart, Florida State University, 2006 - School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany, Journal of Justice and Popular Culture;

Peck, M. S., People of the Lie - The Hope or Healing Human Evil, (New York, NY: Simon and Shuster, 1983), pages 40-41;

Schmalleger, F., Criminology Today - An Integrative Approach - Fourth Edition, (Upper Saddle River: Pearson-Prentice Hal, 2006) page 173;

Baumeister, R. F., Evil - Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, (New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1996), pages 66-67;

Keen, Sam, Hymns to an Unknown God - Awakening the Spirit of Everyday Life, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1994), pages 60-61;

Crypto-Criminology - The Gothic Nature of Crime

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